“Slap her…” – Their responses were perfect!

“Slap her…” – Their responses were perfect!

When these young boys agreed to a short social experiment, they weren’t aware of what questions would be asked… Their responses couldn’t be better!

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How to Affair-Proof Your Marriage

How to Affair-Proof Your Marriage

A tragic reality of our society is that more marriages encounter infidelity than those that do not. Research on the subject estimates that at least one spouse in up to 75% of all marriages in the U.S. will be unfaithful to their partner at some point during the union. The problem has reached epidemic proportions. You can bury your head and the sand and believe that there is no need for reasonable precautions. Or, you can exercise due...

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Ten Easy Resolutions to Improve Your Marriage

Ten Easy Resolutions to Improve Your Marriage

While mulling over ways to change your life for the better this year, why not consider a resolution to improve your marriage? Virtually nothing else that you resolve to do will be more advantageous to your life and happiness in the long run. Here are ten suggestions for relatively easy resolutions you can make to towards this important goal. 1. Start a couple’s devotion – Spouses who practice and experience their faith at home...

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Divorce: A Different Kind of Loss

Divorce: A Different Kind of Loss

I remember being the odd man out growing up. All of my friends were Catholic; and myself at the time, Southern Baptist. While they all went to catechism class, I went home and enjoyed the afternoon cartoons. I tried to fit in with them the best that I could. I was raised to go to church every time the door was open. I remember getting my Sunday School lesson up on Saturday nights. My mom and dad would always check on me to make sure I...

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Husbands, Love your Wives

Do you remember that feeling when your wife first caught your eye? The feeling you had inside made your heart flip. There was an attraction between you that caused you to pay attention to the woman who would soon become your soul-mate. Over time, for many, that feeling fades a bit and husbands lose the fancy they once had for their “girlfriend”. Reasons seem to abound in the mind of a man who’s lost his focus. We...

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Accountability Questions for Couples

Accountability Questions for Couples

Accountability is perhaps one of the greatest methods of keeping your life on track. When you bring someone else into your life and submit yourselves to be accountable to them, you will greatly increase your success rate in many areas. When it comes to couples, there is a built-in opportunity to help each other be the best we can be. Following are several questions you can use in your relationship to help get the most out of your...

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