Lance Appleton – A One God Apostolic

Screen Shot 2015-02-18 at 10.28.23 PMWe at Apostolic Living are saddened to hear of the passing of Lance Appleton, a singer/songwriter who gave us lasting classics of the Apostolic faith such as “This Train”, and “One God Apostolic”. Our prayers go up for his family, as we give appreciation to God for the influence of this man.

Lance Appleton passed away on February 18, 2015 after a battle with cancer.


One God Apostolic

Verse 1

You won’t catch me preaching on the street.
I’m too shy to talk to people when we meet.
But then one day, out on town square,
a bunch of kids were gathered there,
throwing beer cans at the law and shouting, “Peace, peace.”
Well, I did not intend to interfere,
but someone started screaming in my ear.
So I laid both hands on his head, and I prayed while he turned red;
and the other kids said, “Let’s get out of here!”

Verse 2

I never testify at school.
People will say that I’m not cool.
But then one day I had enough of that Evolution stuff.
So I stood right up and I said, “God’s word is true!”
My teacher did not know what to do.
It seemed like he was shaking in his shoes.
Though he knew I meant no harm, he took me by the arm
and said, “Son, what religion are you?”

Verse 3

On the job I never say a word.
I figure they all know I go to church.
But when my boss man called me in
for a tonic and some gin,
I began to think, “Perhaps he hasn’t heard.”
So I said, “No sir, I am not the drinking kind!
Excepting for a thing they call new wine!”
As he lost his cigar smoke, it seemed like he would choke.
I proceeded to explain it one more time.


I’m a one God, Apostolic, tongue-talking, holy rollin’, born again, heaven-bound believer in the liberating power of Jesus’ name.
I’ve been washed in the blood, sanctified by the Spirit. I believe in holiness and I suggest for you to do the same.
I was set free at a Pentecostal altar on my knees, would you pardon me if I’m not ashamed,
to be a one God, Apostolic, tongue-talking, holy rollin’, born again, heaven-bound believer in the liberating power of Jesus’ name!

Lance Appleton’s Testimony

Author: Jay Jones

Jay is an author, veteran church planter, speaker, and the pastor of the Pentecostals of Kentwood. He's a passionate worshipper of Jesus Christ, a husband, daddy, pastor, and a ‘pretty good guy’. Jay is also an ordained minister of the United Pentecostal Church, where he currently serves as a Presbyter in West Michigan.

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  1. Prayers going up for the family. Lance is a Pentecostal legend. Always will remember.

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      • That’s a great memory, Terry Hoffman… thank you for sharing!

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    • I grew up listening to bro lance his music got me through some very hard times in my adulthood even when I strayed from god his music always did something to my heart he was at my home church in Lebanon mo a lot of times

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  2. We have a really nice picture of brother Lance at church with grandson Benjamin. Benjamin was little.Wayne and Carla invited him to come he preached and sang. Condolences to the family and God bless and keep them. Sis Angie Compton

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    • Sis. Angie, that’s a wonderful memory! Lance sang at our church many years ago in Mt. Morris, MI and we purchased his album at the time. We wore that thing out, listening over and over to memorize “One God Apostolic”… great memories! So thankful for his impact in our lives.

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  3. my sister took me to church as a young rebellious teenager and that’s where I had the honor and privilege of meeting lance n merna and crista n eric as children. throughout the years whenever they came to Bremerton Washington they always manage to spend time with my wonderful sister who is now deceased patricia Olivas (scheftic) we had a mutual love and respect for each others families. he was one of those men that wasn’t too heavenly minded to be any earthly good but instead shared his life’s experiences both good and bad with whoever would listen young and old “in church” or not he left a lasting impression.. as I reminisce my tears turn into laughter as I see my sister meeting him at the heavenly gate saying “at last the entertainment is here”!! With momma olivas n sis elizabeth nodding in agreement. when esteemed brother Appleton preached my mother listened to the way he explained the love of God and his tender mercies and she received the Holy Ghost. she was old and stubborn and you have to understand that God could use only Lance to get to her heart… lance you will be missed, but you have done “what the Lord has required of thee…
    With all the
    love in our hearts to sister merna n crista n fam. N eric n fam.

    the chase n olivas family of washington state

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  4. my wife and I met Bro and Sis Appleton when we were newlyweds and new to ministry in Bremerton, WA. We instantly fell in love with them and I asked permission of our pastor every time they came to be with us to have a day with them for fellowship and whatever. We had birthdays around the same time so we would celebrate birthdays (a reason to make a cake) and our families would goof off and eat together. We s loved them and their children and miss them very much. They had an impact on so many lives in Washington District. After we started Home missions we were privileged to have them with a=us a couple of times.

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